Maximize Employee Productivity with BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices)

It is pretty safe to say that most people today have some sort of mobile device. Whether it be a smartphone or a tablet, most companies are underutilizing these devices. Generally this is because it is a ‘Bring Your Own Device’ situation, and most employers try to avoid this type of situation, however doing so is a mistake. Many successful business owners have realized the secret to higher employee productivity is to embrace mobile and help them work smarter to better serve their clients. The key is to embrace mobile without compromising the security and control of your company data. The best solution to this issue is a business-class file sync service. It will allow you to sync your data with employee devices, without giving up control of that data. Here’s how:

  1. Smartphone Syncing – A business-class cloud file sync allows employees to access their critical work files on their desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets from any location. This makes staff more flexible and more productive regardless of location or device.
  2. Tablet Empowerment – The everyday tasks that were once done on laptops is now being done on smaller, more portable devices such as iPads and Android tablets. Tablets are great asset for field-based staff, whether they are visiting a client or working a tradeshow. Tablets allow them to use demos with clients, and access larger files that they may not be able to on a smartphone.
  3. File Server Sync – A business-grade sync services allow you to connect your files servers to the cloud and then sync that content with mobile users and remote computers. Employees in the field are able to better serve clients by always having current data at their fingertips.
  4. Nothing Without Risks – Data privacy and security is a balancing act. With employees often using their own devices, this is no exception. Business –class syncing services give you fine-tuned controls on what employees are allowed access to certain files. You can even set limits such as files can only be synced to smartphones and tablets, but not remote desktops.
  5. Disaster Planning – No matter how many security measures you put in place, everyday disasters such as lost or stolen smartphones are too common. A business-grade file sync can remotely erase corporate data off of a lost device. A remote wipe action can also be taken on a whole user account, across multiple devices in the case of employee termination.

Balancing security and mobility is a must in today’s workplace. Thankfully, business-class file sync can help company owners and employees work anywhere while keeping company data safe.