3 Benefits of Proactive Computer Maintenance

Traditionally, the approach to IT support has been a reactive one – meaning that when a user runs into trouble with their computer, server, or network, they contact an IT company to solve the problem. The IT specialist then troubleshoots to identify the source of the issue, working to arrive at a solution as quickly as possible. The customer is happy – at least until the crisis reoccurs or another one arises – and then the whole process begins anew.

With our increasingly connected world, the demand for network uptime has never been greater, leading to a departure from the traditional break-repair approach. Small and medium-sized organizations are moving toward a more proactive model, increasing uptime while providing superior value per maintenance dollar spent.

The proactive approach to IT support involves comprehensive monitoring and maintenance services intended to predict and avoid nearly every server and network issue before they can negatively impact your business. This advance notification allows time to rectify any issue before it can impact your network, providing greater uptime and improving the productivity of your entire staff.

Benefits of the proactive approach include:

  1. Minimize Vulnerabilities. Microsoft operating systems are the most frequently targeted in the computing world. The company distributes performance enhancements and security patches frequently to mitigate ongoing threats and vulnerabilities, but these accomplish nothing until they are applied. Frequent, proactive patching keeps your systems protected.
  2. Minimize Downtime. Every Microsoft operating system maintains event logs to track everything occurring on each system in your workplace, in order to assist IT personnel in identifying prospective problems with both systems and applications. Frequently reviewing these logs allows IT professionals to identify and prevent major issues before they occur, keeping your systems running smoothly without serious downtime.
  3. Minimize Data Loss. Valuable data must be backed up on a regular basis so it can be readily restored in the event of catastrophic failure. Many companies believe that backing up locally is sufficient, but this doesn’t adequately protect them from disaster. Backing up to the cloud allows data to be easily restored at any location in a matter of hours, is inexpensive to implement, and can be set up quickly and easily.

When systems unexpectedly break, your business can bleed money rapidly. A regularly maintained network means fewer failures – leading to savings on support costs, lower exposure to security risks, and less frustration resulting from unstable IT resources. Keep your data safe, improve the productivity of your team, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from a more reliable infrastructure with proactive maintenance.